Saturday, October 28, 2006

Fishing whales

I don't know what to say when I look at this pictures.Is another kind of fishing, something new for me.I didn't saw something like this before.I think that this is really crazy and amazing, but it this legal ? Commercial hunting of whales has been outlawed since 1986, because many of the great whale species are endangered. Iceland, which stopped whaling then under international pressure, now says it must control whales to protect fish stocks and fishermen's livelihood.


  1. This is the worst that I saw in a lot of time. That people isn'tof hte same species than me.

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    who this people can do this??, I don't understand them..

  3. Anonymous4:07 PM

    absolutely awful, this is a crime, i wish next time sharks come with the whales and 'fish' some morons

  4. Anonymous6:27 PM

    kill´em all (the people)

  5. Anonymous8:03 PM


  6. Anonymous1:22 AM

    U guys should protesst bout it.. its too much man

  7. Anonymous4:24 AM

    lol it aint fishing, where did u get that info from, saw it on bbc the other day ppl are puzzled why all those whales got on the shores,the pictures might be misleading with blood and stuff but trying to save them dimwitts
