Lamborghini Car Painted Amazingly

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Lamborghini is a well known brand of high perfornace Italian sports cars that is now a subsidiary of German car manufacturer Audi. Usually when we see a car like this we stop a little because a Lamborghini can catch your eye very easily. In this case the owner wanted more from his Lamborghini, and he painted his car in a way that will 100% get your attention, no matter what.

wow that is fucking ugly
Like, Whoa.
I'm a huge fan of Escher; that being said, the car looks like an Escher drawing that threw up on itself! What a sad thing to do to an otherwise classy car...
looks ugly tbh
WOW, that must have taken ages to design... Incredible.
someone had fun with a sharpie.
Nice, but I still hope it's only stickers or vynils....
what a waste ..
someone likes that?
who's the artist and how long did that take to do...absolutely breath taking work
That is one of the sickest paint jobs I have ever seen on a car...Really urban and active...on one of the hottest cars you can buy.
You would think after all that they would have paint side mirror
Nice. Some color would have been nice though.
amazing. simply beautiful. i thought "oh god someone riced out a lambo but it really is amazing. very risky. someoneneeds to post this on
No, that's not amazing. It has ruined a perfectly gorgeous car. It's like drawing a mustache on the Venus De Milo.
i know the owner of that car.... hahaha he's one of my best friends it's in Miami, Florida. Hollaaa...
I like Lamborghinis, they are very nice. You, ehm, not so much.
where was this seen?
it got my attention ...
thats fer sure ... does he see anything out of those windows?!!!
i hate to split hairs here, but it's not painted. it's vinyl wrapped. when he's done being supreme attention whore #1, he can peel off the vinyl to reveal the original paint and resume being a very lonely man with a super small penis.
while it is a cool paint job, it would be way cooler if it was actually of something
that insane
Woah! This is just absolutely amazing! On top of a sweet ride, they have some sweet art. Art, meet art. :)
What a waste of a beautiful car. Just my asspinion.
This paint job blows, it looks like a tattoo, a persian carpet in B&W combined... why would you do this to an art piece of ENGINEERING.
Woot. Very nice, very very nice.
ruined a nice looking car
WOW! That is ugly!
this is awesome, i completely want one
i want a car that reminds me of 90s cloth pants
it's beautiful... what's up with the smacktards who say it's ugly? are you autistic or what?
That is the work of Jona Cerwinske, the most bad-ass street artist ever. Its not vinyl, its all done free form and off the cuff. Its amazing to watch.
That will be my next tattoo.
Very Ugly ...
Like a snake :P
I don't understand why everyone thinks this is ugly, this car is a beautiful work of art.
'tis a vinyl/ sticker wrap (and why the mirrors aren't "painted" too)
Who the hell said this looks like something by Escher? It's monochrome, and that's it. The similarities end there. Pfft. I suggest some more powerful lenses in your glasses. Or go here -
What a waste.
The car and the paint job, worthless.
I love the car and I love the art :) Its interesting to see how many people hate it though. I could happily sit on the curb and stare at it for hours.
WOW !!!! FREAKING NICE JOB! n ppl who say that it looks ulgly or shit they just jealous
NYSpeed does not approve.
definitely has potential
Well some people just HAVE to be different I guess, perhaps he had left over $5k and didn't want to upgrade the car itself. Image Image Image. Don't think it would have the same effect on a Honda Civic as it does on this Gallardo.
its like putting graffitti on a Picasso... rediculous! and I am a graf artist
Dang vandals have no respect for property... if I were the owner of this Lambo, I'd file a police report and then start parking it in a locked garage so this doesn't happen again.
Aarghh, awfull. Very ugly.
wow its amazing how many people are hating on the car and art because they wish they had one.
a lovely peice of art imo
I knew this looked familiar. This picture was taken in Coral Gables (Miami), Florida. Where else would you expect to find such a tasteless display of "new money".
that is weir
Ugly. And no, I'm not jealous. (well, I'm jealous of the car, but I wouldn't put that design on the inside of an expensive garbage can.
Saw the car at the Concourso Italiano during the Monterey/Pebble Beach weekend. While it's certainly not something I would have done, the skill and the detail are amazing. Pictures don't do it justice.
LordOfRuin says...
That is rather special. It's so good that it creates a love it or hate it response. Personally, I love it. Of course it's for the attention, but by god it worked. I defy anybody, to just walk past that car and not gasp! Well done to the owner. Shame the wing mirrors aren't covered too.
yeah that is D to the isgusting
This car is awesome!!!
Couple of things come to mind:
Can you say mid-life crisis?
Big Wallet...little penis!
And last but not least...
I am 90% sure that this is a very good vinyl wrap job. When they are done right it is almost indistiguisable from paint.
sometimes people confuse the hell out of me? why do you people care what he painted on his gallardo? as far as supercars go its not that rare.
Timothy Barrington-Smythe said...
No, that's not amazing. It has ruined a perfectly gorgeous car. It's like drawing a mustache on the Venus De Milo.
1:40 AM
dude IT'S JUST PAINT!!! at any time this car can be repainted to original
Anonymous said...
Couple of things come to mind:
Can you say mid-life crisis?
Big Wallet...little penis!
And last but not least...
5:48 AM
since when did having money, a love for cars and a love for art mean you have a small penis and are in a mid-life crisis????
Huh, nice ride, must be a black drug deala, wonder how many screens he got.
Wish I there was a way to kick the owner of this car in the nutts....
FYI: The artist is Jona Cerwinske. He's amazing.
For those of you who said this cars was ugly I have one question for you people
If they were giving it to u for free you would take it right???
No, that's not amazing. It has ruined a perfectly gorgeous car. It's like drawing a mustache on the Venus De Milo.
no, it is on the mona lisa, however this car looks like shit
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