These beautiful pictures were sent to my by a loyal reader of this blog named Sam. He saw my email in the right sidebar, and he decided to share with us this beautiful cakes. If you look at them you don't believe that in these pictures are actually cakes, they are to beautiful. I'm sure you need a lot of skills, passion and patience to make something like this. Awesome !!!
This short movie is totally hilarious. A neighbor heard screaming and he thought that there someone is trying to rape a woman, but in fact someone was watching a porn movie louddd. See more in this 0:33 seconds movie.
Today I'm gonna present you some very interesting stuff that I've found these days around the web. So let's begin. How Scams Work - A very interesting article, where you can find tricks used by scammers, psychological tricks used by scammers, and of course after reading this article you'll be more aware of a lot of things.
How stores trick you into spending - In this article you can find 15 ways stores trick you into spending. I've found a lot of things that I'm not aware when I'm shopping, and I realized that this world is full of secret tricks.
Daily all kind of interesting things appear on the internet, and many of them are in video version, because now everybody can upload and share their videos. Here you can see a neat trick which anyone can do on how to put a chicken to sleep. Have fun
I've found this interesting trick on RGS and I think is quite interesting.I waited 2 days to find a matchstick box to try this trick, because I like to try things that I see on the internet.It didn't succeed, but I know that this is possible because a lot of people did this trick.Please try and post a comment with your experience.
This hilarious Carlos Mencia performance was given to me by a friend on Yahoo Messenger.I love Carlos Mencia, and I saw all his shows ( Mind of Mencia ).If you want a good laugh today you must see this video.
If you are a loyal reader of this blog, you might remember the One Armed Basketball Player that I've presented about a week ago on this blog.Today I have something that speaks about the passion, and dreams, and amazing salsa dancer, with one leg.Reynaldo Ojeda and Claudia Lopez are professional salsa dancers from Bogota, Columbia Colombia. An incredible performance.And don't forget ... follow your dreams.
First ... let me ask you a question.What do you see ? I'm sure that a lot of people will tell me that this is just an image modified in Photoshop for example.Now the surprise ...This is called Magic tap, appears to float in the sky with an endless supply of water. In actuality, there is a pipe hidden in the stream of water. Brilliant idea. :)
Today I was to share with you some interesting things that I've found on the web, so let's begin.
Remember the movie 300 ? I've post the trailer for that movie some time ago on this blog, and since then I also saw the movie.Everybody was interested in this movie, and of course when something is very interesting all kind of materials about this appear.One of this is a new South Park episode inspired by 300. - Watch the movie here.
A short movie that will make you think about your life - Here
A cool jumping game, and if you pass level 10 you can get a 20% discount at Logitech products.
A very addictive game, where you always must become the bigger - I've spent some time playing with this. - Play it here.
I hope you enjoyed this stuff, and don't forget ... come back and I'll do my best to provide you the most interesting things you can see on the internet. Have a great day !!!
Today I've found an interesting little video, where you can see how this man can cut the glass with scissors.I don't know if this is really possible, but if you try this please post a comment.I don't have a piece of glass because if I've had I would already tried this.What do you think ? Is for real, or is a fake ?
Xia Aifeng, 36, combs her super long hair standing on a bench at home in Shangrao, east China's Jiangxi Province, April 11, 2007. The 1.6-metre-tall woman is keeping the long hair measuring 2.42 metres.
I don't know why some people do this kind of stuff, but I would be very curious to find out.What do you think ? - Via - Spluch
If you'll watch this 5:20 clip you'll see that this man really wanted something and his life, and he didn't wait for a miracle.He just worked as hard as he can and now I can say that he is a really good basketball player.Just watch at this video, and remember that nothing is impossible if you really want that thing.
I like this idea, is very clever.As you can see in the picture there is a pack of cigarettes, and you anytime can take one and make a tea.
If someday you see in some cafeteria a gentleman putting a cigarette in its cup, to remove it and to berber it to it, you do not take it by crazy person.
I find amazing things on the internet everyday, that's the reason that I have this blog.One of this crazy this for today is this girl shaped guitar.Hereis Lou Reimuller (a.k.a. Sunset Lou, musician, collector, luthier, artist) and his invention: Teenar, The Girl Guitar - a vintage mannequin transformed into an electric guitar (1986, Richmond, VA).Now you can sing and dance with a girl and guitar. - Found here.
Durex launched a new ad for their new Durex XXL, and I think that this ad is pretty funny, and you should see it.What do you think ? :) - Via -
So, do you think you can high enough ? After you'll see this video you'll find something amazing.I saw this video on MensHealth website, and today I've decided to show it to you. Enjoy !
This advertisement was put up for a job fair in Hamburg Germany, which implies that there are better ways to make career without kissing assess over and over again.Dedication to all ALL KISSERS. - Via -
Some people don't know when to STOP, or they love to enjoy their life.This old woman came to the beach to show her body, but she forgot that she is not any more at 20 years.I'm sure that 30 or 40 years ago she was beautiful, but now she is old.All people on that beach was very intrigued when they saw her.Anyway ...look at this pictures to convince yourself.
I know that this is just a picture, but I like this picture to much, and I wanted to show you.I hope you'll like it to don't see a picture like this everyday. - Via NothingToxic
Easter is coming and I've found something that is perfect for this period.An man that made something really interesting and dedicated a lot of work, patience, and attention.I don't want to say more, just watch the pictures, and leave a comment if you are impressed. - Happy Easter dear readers !!!
These guys in Copenhagen surf a wave created by a huge stick of dynamite thrown into the water.I don't know why they did this, but I hope they where caught, because this is almost a terrorist act.
Today while chatting online with a good friend of mine, she wanted to show me something that she got from a friend, that was in a trip in France.I don't know to much about this festival, the only thing I know for sure is that this festival was in France.Just look at the pictures ... there are things made only from oranges.I'm wondering what they did with those oranges after this festival, because most of them where not so fresh ... Thanks Diana